Instant Smile Make-over
Definitive restorations are often recommeded for superb qualities and results. However, the associated costs are usually more substantial. On occasions, they may not be the treatment of choice due to: financial status, time constraints, or other reasons. Luckily, there is an alternative, less expensive, short-term treatment modality available that may be of interest to some patients.
It is removable, meaning the patient can remove it at home or whenever needed for hygiene care. There would be no shot, no grinding of healthy, sensivitive tooth structures, no temporay restoration to be content with. It is a custom, lab-fabricated restoration, which is made from the models of the patient’s teeth, in accordance with the order and prescription of the dentist. It fits right over the patient’s existing teeth, without any glue or adhesive, and significantly transforms and improves his or her smile, instantaneously and painlessly.